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Help the NABC by shopping through iGive.com

Amost 1800 stores participating, including:

Old Navy
Best Buy
Pottery Barn
and hundreds more!

Up to 20% of your purchase is donated (varies by store)
Free membership & enrollment
Your account is safe, secure, and password protected
Receive coupons, shipping deals, and special sales
You can review donations sent to NABC
Shop year-round and the NABC will receive donations
Download iGive mobile apps to shop from practically any device

Click here to enroll and support the NABC
every time you shop an online iGive store

For more details click here for a downloadable PDF

Why We Trust iGive.com:
Established in 1997, iGive is the first online shopping mall where a portion of each purchase benefits the shopper’s favorite cause. iGive members have raised over $5 million for charities across the U.S. and Canada, and this small army of caring shoppers have become an influential force in the internet marketplace. Over 1,800 of the web’s best stores have come to recognize the value of iGive shoppers, and this allows iGive to negotiate some of the best donation rates and exclusive coupons for its members. As an added bonus, when you shop through iGive you always have the extra support of their highly responsive customer service team, just in case something goes amiss.