Bear Viewing

Bear Viewing Association
BVA’s website provides information on over 100 viewing sites in North America, vendors serving each site, and tips to assure a successful viewing adventure. It has tons of information on many other aspects of wildlife viewing, wildlife conservation, bear biology, bear evolution, and Alaska’s fanatical campaign to wipe out most of the State’s bears and wolves.


Would you like to spend several hours or days sharing the lives of Alaska’s coastal grizzly and black bears — some of the world’s largest, most intelligent land carnivores — and their wild neighbors? Pioneering bear behaviorist Dr. Steve Stringham can introduce you to cutting edge scientific discoveries about bears, as well as insights from Native American cultures and Zen, including the ancient arts of “Walking As a Bear” and of “Bear Dreaming”.


American Bear Association – Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
The Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary near Orr, Minnesota, is a place of wonder where people can learn about black bears by observing them in their natural habitat from an elevated viewing platform. A must stop on any vacation through the area.